The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has announced the Bihar Board 10th Result Live. The Bihar Board conducted the 10th board examination from 17th February to 24th February 2023, and the results were announced on 27th March 2023. Students can check their results on the official website of the Bihar Board. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to check your Bihar Board 10th Result Live, what to do if you're not satisfied with your scorecard, and FAQs related to the Bihar Board 10th Result Live.
How to check Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
What to do if you're not satisfied with your Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
Bihar Board 10th Result Live FAQs
How to check Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
- Step 1: Visit the official website of Bihar Board
- Step 2: Click on the link for Bihar Board 10th Result Live
- Step 3: Enter your roll number and other details
- Step 4: Click on the 'Submit' button
- Step 5: Your Bihar Board 10th Result Live will be displayed on the screen
- Step 6: Take a printout of your scorecard for future reference
What to do if you're not satisfied with your Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
- Apply for Re-evaluation
- Apply for Compartmental Examination
- Appear for Improvement Examination
Bihar Board 10th Result Live FAQs
- What is the passing percentage for Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
- When will the Bihar Board issue the original mark sheet and certificate?
- What is the minimum passing percentage required to clear the Bihar Board 10th examination?
- Is it possible to apply for re-evaluation of the Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
- How many times can I apply for the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination?
- What is the fee for applying for the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination?
- What is the procedure to apply for the Bihar Board Improvement Examination?
Bullet Points:
- Students can check their Bihar Board 10th Result Live on the official website of Bihar Board.
- Students need to enter their roll number and other details to check their Bihar Board 10th Result Live.
- If a student is not satisfied with their Bihar Board 10th Result Live, they can apply for re-evaluation, compartmental examination, or improvement examination.
- The passing percentage for the Bihar Board 10th Result Live is 33%.
- The Bihar Board will issue the original mark sheet and certificate to the students after a few days of the result declaration.
Q. What is the passing percentage for Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
A. The passing percentage for Bihar Board 10th Result Live is 33%.
Q. When will the Bihar Board issue the original mark sheet and certificate?
A. The Bihar Board will issue the original mark sheet and certificate to the students after a few days of the result declaration.
Q. What is the minimum passing percentage required to clear the Bihar Board 10th examination?
A. The minimum passing percentage required to clear the Bihar Board 10th examination is 33%.
Q. Is it possible to apply for re-evaluation of the Bihar Board 10th Result Live?
A. Yes, students can apply forre-evaluation of the Bihar Board 10th Result Live if they are not satisfied with their scorecard. However, they will have to pay a fee for it, and the last date for applying for re-evaluation will be announced by the Bihar Board.
Q. How many times can I apply for the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination?
A. Students can apply for the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination only once. However, they can appear for the Improvement Examination, which is conducted after the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination.
Q. What is the fee for applying for the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination?
A. The fee for applying for the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination will be announced by the Bihar Board. Students can check the official website of Bihar Board for the fee structure.
Q. What is the procedure to apply for the Bihar Board Improvement Examination?
A. Students who are not satisfied with their Bihar Board 10th Result Live can apply for the Improvement Examination, which is conducted after the Bihar Board Compartmental Examination. The procedure to apply for the Improvement Examination will be announced by the Bihar Board.
The Bihar Board 10th Result Live is a significant milestone for the students who have appeared for the Bihar Board 10th examination. Students who have cleared the examination should be proud of their achievement, and those who have not cleared the examination should not lose hope. They can apply for re-evaluation, compartmental examination, or improvement examination to improve their scores. We hope that this article has provided you with all the necessary information related to the Bihar Board 10th Result Live. Good luck to all the students who have appeared for the Bihar Board 10th examination!